Settle Your Estate Planning And Probate Challenges With Confidence
Attorney Richard Boudreau aids Boston-area clients in resolving tough questions related to wills, trusts, estate administration, elder law and the probate process.

A Strong Estate Plan Protects Your Legacy And Final Wishes
It’s easy to get intimidated by the legal requirements and the financial calculations that go into creating an estate plan that will withstand legal challenges and that is easy for your loved ones to understand and administer. It’s also easy to procrastinate on taking care of estate planning. But at some point, the time available to do that will run out.
Luckily, trustworthy estate planning help is available right now in the Boston Metro area. Andover attorney Richard Boudreau, founder of the Law Office of Richard J. Boudreau, has been successfully solving challenges in estate planning, probate, estate administration and elder law for over 35 years. He enjoys listening to clients to find the human story behind their estate. He uses this information to help them create estate documents that protect their assets and property, and ensure they are accomplishing their ultimate intentions.
Serving Greater Boston Since 1987

Protecting Your Assets, Now And In The Future
Much of the tension associated with estate planning, probate and elder law matters relates to money. Attorney Boudreau can help you navigate this process.
Attorney Boudreau’s goal is to craft estate planning documents that will protect your wealth, both before and after you pass it to your loved ones. He seeks to cultivate a long-term relationship with clients, helping you update your documents as family situations, laws, and finances change.

Talk To An Estate And Probate Attorney With Over 35 Years Of Experience
Attorney Boudreau serves clients across the Boston area from his office in Andover. Find out how he can help you with a free consultation. Call 978-503-0848 or send an online message today.